12:00 AM - Democracy Now! 03-05-2025
1:00 AM - Phoenix Rising - Kane Daly & Lindsay Reeve - 2/13/25
2:00 AM - Wisdom In The Night S04E10 Abiding in the Vine
2:28 AM - All About TV, Public Access 1985
2:38 AM - Syd Solomon: The Man and The Artist
2:54 AM - Bridgehampton Library Series: Fridays At Five
3:55 AM - Bridgehampton Library Series: Fridays At Five
5:00 AM - Gung Ho - Stand Against the Tyrant Trump - 1/27/25
5:30 AM - USA Warrior Stories - David H. Brown, US Navy Seabees 1967-70
5:51 AM - USA Warrior Stories - Long Island Warriors Veterans Hockey Club
6:00 AM - Behind The Headlines 03-01-2025
6:53 AM - The Octagon DollHouse 1892 at LVIS East Hampton, NY
7:00 AM - Jamie deRoy & friends 01-22-2024
7:30 AM - Key To Faith-03-05-2023 God as Our Father III
8:00 AM - Democracy Now! 03-05-2025
9:00 AM - Long Island Pine Barrens Society - How the Pine Barrens was Saved, part 3 of 3
9:30 AM - Gung Ho - Stand Against the Tyrant Trump - 1/27/25
10:00 AM - VOW - Dr. Georgette Grier-Key Pt. 2 -1/21/25
10:30 AM - Conversations with OLA - Dr. Rene Vazquez del Valle - En Ingles
11:00 AM - Spotlight on the Arts - Monte Farber & Amy Zerner - 8/12/24
11:30 AM - Out in the Hamptons - Gypsy Love and Kippy Marks - 9/3/24
11:50 AM - East Hampton Town Litter Action Committee & East Hampton Sportsmen's Alliance 11-23-2024
12:00 PM - East End Community Housing - Kathy Byrnes, Windmill Housing Co-Manager 12-13-2024
12:30 PM - Let's Talk! Bess Rattray - 11/25/24
1:00 PM - Community Conversations - Immigration
2:24 PM - USA Warrior Stories - Long Island Warriors Veterans Hockey Club
2:32 PM - ARF Stroll to the Sea 2024 - 10/6/24
2:44 PM - East End News - Week of 3-3-25
3:00 PM - Phoenix Rising - Kane Daly & Lindsay Reeve - 2/13/25
4:00 PM - Elevating Lives - JoAnn Vitale - 8/15/24
4:28 PM - Syd Solomon: The Man and The Artist
4:44 PM - East End News - Week of 3-3-25
5:00 PM - Key To Faith-04-16-2023-Genesis
5:30 PM - Restoration TV - Ep24 God Can
6:00 PM - Gung Ho - Stand Against the Tyrant Trump - 1/27/25
6:28 PM - East End News Clip - Tom's Typewriters
6:31 PM - Successful Philanthropy - Sarah Kautz of the Southampton History Museum - 5/6/24
7:01 PM - East End Community Housing - Kathy Byrnes, Windmill Housing Co-Manager 12-13-2024
7:30 PM - South by SouthFork - East Hampton Town History - 1/22/25
8:00 PM - Community Conversations - Immigration
9:25 PM - St Luke's Episcopal Church & OLA
10:43 PM - East End News - Week of 3-3-25
11:00 PM - Hello Hello with host Haim Mizrahi 11-14-2024
Event Date:
Jean Shafiroff
Successful Philanthropy
Schedule Information:
3/6/2025 at 6:31 PM
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