Both Sides of the Bars - JULY 2023, The State of Criminal Justice Services & Reform: Where do we go from here?

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There have been some successes in the movement to reshape justice in recent years -- the passing of legislation like bail reform, raising the age of criminal responsibility, discovery reform, and New York City’s policy position to close Rikers Island by 2027. There have also been a number of investments in services to help to stabilize the lives of justice system- involved men and women, such as reentry housing, and increased dollars towards alternatives-to-Incarceration and reentry programs. But, at the same time, there has also been movement to roll back some of these advances -- like the constant attacks on bail reform as the cause of crime spikes in New York; the NIMBY attitude from certain communities rejecting transitional, affordable, and supportive housing for people in reentry; and delays in the plans to close Rikers which have fueled some to question the viability of the plan altogether. Our guests today – three reentry non-profit leaders based in New York -- will discuss the challenges of confronting efforts to rollback reforms, and the need to shift narratives to show that these reforms advance racial justice as well as stronger and safer communities. They are Stanley Richards, deputy CEO of The Fortune Society; Archana Jayaram, president and CEO of the Osborne Association; and Jonathan McClean, CEO at CASES (The Center for Alternative Sentencing & Employment Services).

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