Successful Philanthropy - Samuel Waxman - 5/6/24

Show Details

In this episode of "Successful Philanthropy," host Jean Shafiroff interviews Dr. Samuel Waxman, the co-founder and president of the Samuel Waxman Cancer Research Foundation. The discussion revolves around the foundation's mission, significant advancements in cancer research, and the importance of philanthropy in driving medical breakthroughs. Foundation’s Mission: Dr. Waxman explains that the Samuel Waxman Cancer Research Foundation focuses on understanding cancer at the genetic level. The foundation aims to identify faulty genes that lead to cancer and develop targeted treatments to correct these genetic abnormalities. Rising Cancer Incidence: The conversation highlights the increasing incidence of cancer globally, attributed primarily to longer life spans. Dr. Waxman notes that as the population ages, particularly those over 65, the risk of cancer rises significantly. Cancer in Younger People: There is also a rise in cancer cases among younger individuals, often linked to factors like obesity, inflammatory diseases, and genetic predispositions. The foundation's research seeks to understand these trends and develop preventive measures. International Collaboration: Dr. Waxman discusses the foundation's international program on aging and cancer, with initiatives in the US, Israel, and China. The goal is to develop a comprehensive understanding of how aging influences cancer risk and to create personalized prevention strategies. Prevention Tips: Key advice for cancer prevention includes maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, managing stress, and staying informed about family medical history. Regular screenings and early detection are crucial for effective prevention and treatment. Controversial Topics: Dr. Waxman addresses concerns about 5G towers and electric plants, stating that while they are unsightly, there is no conclusive evidence linking them to cancer. He also discusses the potential benefits and unknowns of weight loss drugs like Ozempic in reducing cancer risk. Mindset and Health: While a positive mindset and stress management are beneficial for overall health, their direct impact on cancer prevention is still speculative. However, a less stressful life can contribute to better overall health and longevity. Fundraising Events: The foundation relies heavily on fundraising to support its research. Upcoming events include the "Step Up to Knock Cancer Down" walk at MetLife Stadium and the annual Hampton Happening and Waxman Luncheon, among others. These events are crucial for raising the necessary funds to continue their work. Personal Impact: Jean Shafiroff shares a personal story of how Dr. Waxman's treatment approach significantly improved her father's quality of life, underscoring the foundation's impact on individual lives. Filmed at LTV Studios in Wainscott, NY 11975 on 5/6/24. SSCODE: KNNQFXESK96RFN7O

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